SAT and SMT solvers are the backbone of a wide range of academic and industrial R&D activities today. These include software and hardware verification, logistics, planning, operations research, non-linear discrete optimization, model counting, etc. Marrying symbolic reasoning with probabilistic reasoning has been the holy grail of AI research since the late 1980s. The success of probabilistic reasoning techniques such as deep learning has reignited interest in pursuing such an integration. The Fourth Edition of Indian SAT-SMT School will focus on algorithmic and engineering advances in SAT/SMT solving and their usage to perform complex automated reasoning tasks such as probabilistic inference, optimization, and diagnosis. The school features prominent speakers from academia and industry from France, Germany, and India who have been involved in the development and/or deployment of SAT/SMT solvers in several industry-scale projects worldwide.
This year, we are also inviting posters in the relevant areas. Please see Call for Posters for more details.
The Fourth edition of this school will be held during 8-10 December, 2019 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay). We expect the audience to include Ph.D./masters students and academics from Indian colleges/universities, and engineers from the industry.
Tweet to us at @satsmtschool
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at:
Poster submission deadline: November 5, 2019.
Poster acceptance notification: November 10, 2019.
SAT+SMT school: December 8, 2019.